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Pathway Balancing Kinesiology

PBK is a gentle, yet effective treatment that helps you achieve a healthy, balanced and harmonious life style that is free from physical or emotional pain.

Kinesiology uses a system of muscle testing to examine the relationship between mind, body and spirit.  Kinesiology identifies energy imbalances in the body and helps restore the whole body system and facilitates the self healing process.  It is based on the fact your body knows what is wrong and doesn’t lie.

Pathway Balancing Kinesiology (PBK) uses biofeedback from the client and it is your body's inner wisdom that determines the priority treatment required.  PBK checks your basic energy level using the five elements wheel (Earth, Metal, Fire, Wood, Water) to see if there are any energy blocks along the meridians.  Once balanced, I look further into the advanced realms of health, this includes the Physical and Structural Realms, Nutritional and Biochemical Realms, Mental and Emotional Realms and Electromagnetic and Environmental Realms.  Your body wisdom/Sub conscious energy realms guide the treatment and the kind of balancing required to help clear any blockages or trapped energy that maybe causing physical pain, mental and emotional pain or a general lack of good health and wellbeing.


Holistic Massage

Holistic Massage is a deep tissue massage aimed at bringing your Mind, Body, and Spirit into a state of homeostasis, a place of balance where your body can repair and renew itself.  This is a full body massage and can be designed to incorporate all your individual needs.


Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage is a unique massage and is a must for relaxing both mind and body.  As well as being a relaxing treatment, Indian Head Massage can be invigorating and refreshing.  It involves only the upper part of the body, yet has many physiological and psychological benefits.  It is felt that the whole body is balanced after a treatment.  By incorporating the head, neck, shoulders and upper arms, Indian Head Massage becomes more of a stress management treatment.



Shinshin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho “Improving body and mind Usui Reiki Treatment” ~ Reiki from its birthplace.


Reiki is a non-religious healing technique founded and developed by Mr Mikao Usui.


Traditionally Reiki was used for treatment not relaxation (as in western reiki).  It is a method of awakening and strengthening the body’s self-healing process.  Reiki is not attached to any religion or specific belief system and anyone can learn to do it.


Jolene is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside, her calm and peaceful energy creates a beautiful space for transformation  and change and she creates a  very safe space  for healing,  she is very special healer ...Thank you  Jolene for the wonderful sessions that have helped immensely with my development  Dena xx
I've have now been to Jolene twice now. I did not know much about kinesiology at the time, however after the first visit I noticed a total shift on how I felt. Jolene's calming voice and loving manner helped me completely relax. She explained everything really clearly so I could get the best from my treatment. I strongly believe the body goes out of balance and I personally feel Jolene is getting it back on track. Karen Lee

I have been working with Jolene for 5 months now, on Pathway Balancing and Kineseology.  I initially went to her for help with weight loss, this has since evolved into exploring my inner wisdom, tackling a range of issues during the monthly sessions. Jolene is a kind, calm, intuitive person I feel completely comfortable with trusting with my most personal thoughts and feelings. Her knowledge, skill and facilities are superb, blowing me away each time I have a session. I always recommend Jolene most highly for Kineseology and the Pathway Balancing sessions. I have also received an indian head massage and found it to be very relaxing.

Lynnette Ellison, St Neots




Pathway Balancing Kinesiology: 1 Hour £40.00

Full Body Holistic Massage: 1 Hour £40.00


Indian Head Massage: 1/2 Hour £20.00


Jikiden Reiki: 1 Hour: £30.00


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